Saturday, 22 February 2014

isro recruitment 2014 for computer science engineers

ISRO recruitment 2014
ISRO recruitment 2014
who are looking jobs in ISRO Centralized Recruitment Board opened  notification for annual recruitment of Scientists / Engineers ‘SC’ with B.E / B.Tech. or equal degree in Electronics, Mechanical and Computer Science. Total posts to be filled up are 102 and the last date to apply online through is 13th March, 2014.

 All Details about ISRO Scientists / Engineers Employment 2014

Total Vacancies: 102
Scientists / Engineers (Electronics) 
Scientists / Engineers (Mechanical)
Scientists / Engineers (Computer Science)

Salary Details :selected candidates should be paid by th organization Rs.15600-39100 with grade pay Rs.5400/-
Required Qualifications details: candidates should be Graduate professional B.E / B.Tech in the individual regulation with not less than 65% marks. Candidates may pursuing their degree final year also shall apply for these jobs.

Age Limitation details: applicant should be below  35 years as on 13th March, 2014 is required to be allotted as Scientist / Engineer in ISRO

Application filling Process: Interested and eligible and interested candidates can apply through online visiting  the official website before the 13th march 2014.

Application Fees Details: The application fee of Rs 100 / - should be paid for this recruitment ISRO. After online registration of candidates can download the fee payment challan and pay the application fee in any branch of the State Bank of India. After payment of the fee to send a (ISRO) received a copy of the fee challan to the Chief, P & GA (CIRB), ISRO Headquarters, Antariksh Bhavan, New BEL Road, Bangalore - 560094 before 21 March 2014 .

Selecting details: first conducting the written test  on date 26 April, 2014 [Saturday]
at ten venues viz., Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Bhopal, Chennai, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi and Thiruvananthapuram.after that who are appearing the result then personal interview conducting at last who are merit in both written test and interview the selection process will be done

ISRO Official Notification


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1 Response to "isro recruitment 2014 for computer science engineers"

  1. I am interested in ISRO Recruitment 2017, will you please tell me something about the selection procedure.
